Wednesday 27 January 2016

30 Days of Ab Exercises

With a bit of dedication, you can have flat, toned abs. Your core supports almost all of your movements, every day - everything from sitting in your chair to standing in line to driving your car and picking up your cat off the ground. Perform the following ab exercises every other day for 30 days to target every angle of your abdominals and strengthen your back and core.

Leg Lifts
Step 1
Lie with your back flat on the ground and rest your hands, palms down, under your buttocks for support. Raise your head 1 to 2 inches off the ground, keeping your gaze on the ceiling. Do not tuck your chin.

Step 2
With your legs out straight and feet together, exhale as you hinge at the waist to arc your feet toward the ceiling until your feet are straight up above your hips.

Step 3
Using a slow, controlled motion, lower your legs toward the ground, but stop before your heels hit the floor. Perform the move for twenty seconds or 10 repetitions, whichever comes last.

Step 1
Lie with your back flat on the ground and rest your hands, palms down, under your buttocks for support. For beginners, keep your head on the ground. As you advance through the 30 days, raise your head 1 to 2 inches off the ground, tucking your chin slightly.

Step 2
With your legs out straight and feet together, exhale as you hinge one single leg at the waist to arc your foot toward the ceiling until it is straight up above your hips. The opposite foot may rest on the floor or you may maintain it in a slightly raised position, for a more advanced move.

Step 3
As you inhale, lower your leg slowly, controlling the movement, while at the same time raising the opposite leg. Perform the move for 20 seconds or 10 repetitions, whichever comes last.

Plank Punches
Step 1
From your hands and knees, with your hands placed directly under your shoulders, straighten your legs behind you so that you are resting on your hands and toes, in a push-up position with your feet slightly spread. Maintain a straight line from your neck to your heels by keeping your core engaged and not raising your butt into the air; tightening the gluteus muscles will assist with maintaining the proper form.

Step 2
Lift your right hand off the floor by slightly bending your elbow, make a fist and use a controlled motion to punch the air out in front of your face.

Step 3
Return that hand to the ground and repeat on the opposite side. Perform the move for 20 seconds or five repetitions, whichever comes last.

Flutter Kicks
Step 1
Lie with your back flat on the ground and rest your hands, palms down, under your buttocks for support. For beginners, keep your head on the ground. As you advance through the 30 days, raise your head 1 to 2 inches off the ground. Do not tuck your chin.

Step 2
With your legs out straight and feet together, raise both heels 1 inch or 2 off the floor. Exhale as you raise one leg to a height of 6 to 12 inches, then lower that leg and raise the opposite leg with no pause in between.

Step 3
Continue with the flutter kicks for a period of 20 seconds.

Reverse Crunch
Step 1
Lie with your back flat on the ground and rest your hands, palms down, under your buttocks for support. Bend your knees so that your quadriceps are approximately perpendicular to the floor and your caves are parallel to the floor.

Step 2
Roll your pelvis back to raise your butt off the floor so that your feet point skyward and your knees are above your belly button or chest, depending on how strong you are.

Step 3
Use a slow, controlled motion to return to the starting position. Perform the move for 20 seconds or 10 repetitions, whichever comes last.

Mason Twist
Step 1
Begin in a seated position with your knees bent, heels on the floor and hands clasped together in front of you.

Step 2
Raise your heels a few inches off the floor and keep your feet and legs in front of you as you twist your torso to the side and bring your clasped hands to the floor next to your hip.

Step 3
Repeat the twist to the opposite side, keeping your heels off the floor through the entire move. Perform the move for 20 seconds or 10 repetitions, whichever comes last.

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