Wednesday 17 February 2016

Ovulation and Menstruation Problems in Women

Common Ovulation Problems (Infertility) in Women

Ovulation is the first and foremost thing for a woman to make her life happier in every aspects of life. A woman without ova or ovulation does not feel herself a normal woman as she gets devoid of being a mother of her own baby in her life. A woman cannot get pregnant without ovulation throughout her life so anyone can understand the situation that what a big problem is for her. Ovulation is the normal phenomenon in a female body occurs two weeks later the menstruation period in every month.
However, there may be some problems or irregularities in this process called ovulation problems or infertility problems in women due to some reasons like genetic, dietary deficiency, complications or diseases. Some of are mentioned below:
  • Endometriosis: It is the condition in which endometrial tissues found in the uterus lining starts growing abnormally outside the uterus in the abdominal pelvic cavity. It shows symptoms of painful menstruation, pain in pelvic region, painful intercourse, heavy menstrual bleeding, unusual blood spotting and etc. It may treated surgically involve removal of endometrial tissue, some fertility drugs and artificial insemination. Around 40 % of the women get relief after the treatment success.
  • Some hormonal problems also disturbs the ovulation process among women by prevents egg to gets matured or egg development in the ovaries. It shows symptoms of missed, absent or infrequent periods or period with abnormal, light or heavy bleeding.
  • Poor Egg Quality: Poor egg quality also matters in getting pregnant for a woman thus, it is considered as one of the ovulation problems. The egg quality may be very poor or ovary is unable to produce sufficient number of eggs naturally during each menstrual cycle so that a woman can get pregnant. Fertility treatment in the starting period under the gynaecologist may be effective. Some other solutions to this problem are donor egg option and IVF or adopting a baby.
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: It is also known as PCOS in which small and immature egg follicles do not develop into the larger and matured follicles in the ovary thus ovary does not able to release any mature egg. It is caused due to the sex hormone imbalance in the body. It shows symptoms of extra hair growth, irregular periods, acne, weight gain and etc. Some positive lifestyle changes like proper diet, regular exercise are common solutions otherwise you need to go other options like fertility drugs, IVF and adoption in serious cases.
  • Tubal Factor: Tubal factor means blocked or damaged fallopian tubes prevents mature ovum to meet with sperm as well as prevents implantation of fertilized egg into the uterus. It is caused due to the earlier sterilization surgery, pelvic inflammatory diseases or sexually transmitted infections. It can be treated with the tubal surgery to open the blockage and repair the damage.
  • Sometimes reasons of ovulation problem become unexplained which can only be diagnosed or explained by the doctor. Some of its contributing factors are weight problems whether it is underweight or overweight, excessive exercise, environmental factors and etc. It can be treated with the fertility drugs, artificial insemination, IVF and baby adoption.
  • Early Menopause: Early menopause (Primary ovarian insufficiency) is the loss of menstruation before time means prematurely which is the very serious cause of ovulation problems in many women due to some immune system diseases, radiation treatment, smoking, etc.
  • Irregular (less or extra) production of prolactin hormone by the pituitary gland and thyroxine hormone by the thyroid gland involves in the infertility problems among women.
  • Women having less weight or overweight suffers hormonal imbalance in their body which affect ovulation.
  • Women used to of excessive exercises also suffer from the hormonal imbalance thus ovulation problems.
  • Long Term Illnesses: Women suffering from chronic illnesses for long time like uncontrolled diabetes, liver disorders, cancers, kidney failure, etc develop ovulation problems.
  • Side effects of medicines like chemotherapy medicines, cannabis, cocaine and etc also affect the fertility level of a woman.
  • Genetic fertility problems are permanent and considered as untreatable problems available by birth as it is passed to the next generation through families.
  • Large uterine fibroids (non-cancerous growth) of the uterus also lead to the infertility.
  • Uterine or cervical abnormalities are problems in the cervix opening or cervical mucus, problems in shape of uterine cavity may cause infertility.
  • Some other problems like pelvic infections, abdominal or pelvic surgery, appendicitis, etc causes infertility.
  • Some medical conditions like celiac disease, sickle cell disease, kidney disease, Cushing’s disease, diabetes, etc also affect fertility.
  • Excess consumption of alcohol reduces the fertility level in women as well as increases the risk of miscarriage however excess smoking lead to the early menopause and infertility.
  • Fertility level of a woman decreases with the increasing age.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Ovulation Problems

A woman, suffering from any of the ovulation problems mentioned above or not getting pregnant after regular trial for months, must consult a gynaecologist to get relief from the problems in early ages. She must answer all the questions asked by the doctor very politely an honestly to help doctor to understand the problems. The question may be about her menstrual history, past family history, present history of disease, partner’s health issues and so many.
If the real problem gets diagnosed, she must go through the proper treatment strategies and regular checkups to completely get rid of the problem. You may be asked for tests lie blood test, tests for chronic disorders (diabetes, hormonal disorders, etc), ultrasonography, urine test, etc.

Common Menstruation Problems in Women

Menstruation problem is a big health issue among women which may lead a woman to towards infertility and make her ill physically and mentally. Thus, any type of irregularity in the menstruation must be treated and cured well under good gynaecologist in early stages. Some of the common menstruation problems among women are mentioned below:
  • Heavy periods (or Menorrhagia): This is generally common however if not cared in starting, can be serious. It is very difficult to measure the accurate blood loss in heavy periods. It is called so when someone needs double sanitary protection. The reason of heavy periods is unclear however it can be treated well in the starting. A woman suffering from heavy blood loss during menstruation may suffer iron deficiency, weakness and etc.
  • Painful Menstruation (or Dysmenorrhoea): Dysmenorrhoea is the painful menstruation which is generally unbearable by most of the women. Pain occurs in the lower abdomen, back side and thigh during first few days of the period. Some women need painkillers during this time however it is not safe for the health in future instead you should meet your doctor for the permanent relief from this type of pain. One of the reasons of pain during menstruation is endometriosis.
  • Amenorrhoea: Amenorrhoea is the loss of menstruation which can be due to the pregnancy, health problems, environmental factors, eating disorders, excessive exercise, emotional stress, hormonal problem, medications (like contraceptives) or other reasons. You must see your doctor as soon as you feel some problems with your regular periods.
  • Irregular periods: In this period occurs irregularly after some days of interval between periods. It exists temporarily after delivery of baby due to some reasons however some women suffers irregular periods continuously. It is the indication that a woman not ovulating regularly every month and hormonal balance is upset. In such cases, women must consult to their doctor in early stages to get proper cure and treatment.
  • Missed periods: Missed periods without pregnancy are also very serious problems which should be taken care of in early days. It may be due to some disorders in thyroid or pituitary gland, hypothalamus (assisting reproductive hormone regulation), stress, regular breastfeed, obesity, taking oral contraceptives, ovarian failure before age of 40, uterus disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome and so many.
  • Oligomenorrhoea: It is infrequent menstrual periods which occur at long intervals of more than 35 days. It is not a disease however symptom of some serious condition such as women with polycystic ovary syndrome suffers oligomenorrhoea.
  • Premature Ovarian Failure (POF): In this women gets irregular periods because of the improper functioning of the ovaries.
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS): It is also called premenstrual tension occurs before or after the menstrual cycle.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Menstruation Problems

Every woman must notice her body functioning on daily basis in order to get prevented from any major health disorder. She must notice the regularity of her menstrual period monthly and go to doctor when she gets any disorder continuously for two or three months. She must deal with her doctor openly about her problems and support doctor to perform pelvic examinations. She should let her doctor know everything about her signs, symptoms, medical history, past history and present history. She may be asked to go through the pelvic ultrasound or laparoscopy according to the seriousness of the problems.
Some of the problems easily go away by following healthy lifestyle, proper daily routines, weight management, physical activity however some needs medications and surgery to get resolved.

How Ovulation and Menstruation Problems affect to conceive a baby

Ovulation and menstruation problems among women lead them towards infertility. Irregular menstruation indicates that a woman is not ovulating properly every month while on the other hand improper ovulation disturbs the hormonal balance in the body which causes disorders in menstruation. Thus, getting pregnant becomes so hard in such conditions for a woman. It is good to have well treatment for such problems before getting pregnant.
Regular menstruation and proper ovary functioning are the big sign of woman fertility which decides that a woman can be pregnant. If problems exist in any of the processes, a woman may suffer infertility problem which needs to be treated well in early stage.

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