Friday 4 March 2016

Health Benefits of Kiwi Fruit for Pregnant Women

Kiwi fruit is one of the fruits which a pregnant woman must include in her diet. Kiwi fruit is rich in the nutrients which can aid in having a healthy pregnancy. Read on to know more the health benefits of kiwi fruit for pregnant women.

Kiwi is a small green or yellow fruit with tiny black seeds and fuzzy brown skin. Both the skin and the seeds of this fruit are edible. Most of the time, its skin is discarded because of the rough texture. Loaded with a whole lot of nutrients this fruit is very good to taste and has a long shelf life. It is a rich source of Vitamins C, E and A and contains a good amount of dietary fibre too. The amount of Vitamin C present in this fruit is twice the amount present in an orange and 3 times that of mango.
Kiwi contains no cholesterol and is low in fat and sugar. It is low in sodium and high in potassium. It also contains phosphorous, magnesium and copper. The purpose of this article is to provide information on some of the benefits of this fruit for pregnant women.
Kiwi is not a visually appealing fruit. Its topical flavor and dull brown color does not excite many people. However once cut and opened its vibrant green color is bound to tempt most of us. This is an excellent fruit to be included in the diet of pregnant women because of being loaded with plenty of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Benefits of Kiwi Fruit in Pregnancy

The kiwi fruit contains following nutrients which are beneficial for pregnant women.
Folic Acid - Kiwi is rich in folic acid which is very important nutrient required to be consumed by pregnant women. Folic acid ensures the proper development of the basic vital organs of a baby in the womb. Folate is a member of the B vitamin family and is the most important nutrient for producing and maintaining new cells. Adequate intake of dietary folate is necessary to prevent birth defects in unborn babies such as Spina Bifida, which is a medical terminology used to refer spinal cord that has not been developed fully.
Doctors strongly recommend that pregnant women and all women of childbearing years take extra amounts of folic acid. Women planning to have a baby must include foods rich in folic acid in their diet at least a month or two before conception.
Dietary Fiber - Kiwi fruit benefits pregnant women by providing a healthy amount of dietary fiber. During pregnancy intake of dietary fiber will reduce the risk of hemorrhoids and constipation. Regular intake of kiwi fruit is also useful to keep digestive issues like gas, nausea, and discomfort of the stomach at bay.
Energy Boost - Kiwi is rich in antioxidants. It contains Vitamin C, a water soluble vitamin, and Vitamin D, a fat soluble vitamin, both of which are capable of fighting off different kinds of the free radicals in our body. It is an excellent fruit for boosting energy levels and strengthening the immune system.

Other Related Benefits of Kiwi Fruit
  • Kiwi has positive effects on the respiratory system. Research has indicated that consuming Kiwi lowers the risk of developing respiratory problems like wheezing, coughs and cold. It has also been found useful in treating asthma in children. 
  • Kiwi fruit is also a natural blood thinner. Consuming kiwi can reduce the risk of risk of blood clotting and reduces fats in blood that that can lead to blockages. 
  • Flavonoids present in this fruit increases the nutritional value of kiwi fruit. These are useful to protect the cells of the body from the harmful effects of oxidation. 
  • Kiwi facilitates absorption of iron, thus preventing anemia. 
Considering that Kiwi fruit has a good balance of essential nutrients required to keep a woman healthy during pregnancy and ensure proper development of a fetus, pregnant women must try and include this fruit in their daily intake.

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